Sunday Morning Worship (FAQ)
What time should I arrive?
The worship service begins at 10:30 am. The doors open at 10 am. Arriving late, no problem you are welcome to join us at any point during the service.
How should I dress?
Come as you are. Dress style is casual.
should I do when I arrive?
Bulletins are located on the right-hand wall just before entering the sanctuary. The bulletin is our guide through the service and contains prayers, verbal responses we all say together, and scripture readings. An insert will also have weekly announcements concerning upcoming events and activities in the life of our church. Song lyrics will be up on the screen on the front left of the sanctuary during the service along with most items found in the bulletin.
What about my children?
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19:14) Children of all ages are welcome at the worship service. It is good for children to hear the message and observe the pattern of worship. It's amazing what they hear and understand!
What if my child gets fussy?
We don’t mind a little noise. If the volume increases and you think it best, you may choose to bring your child next door to the nursery. The nursery is staffed and you may choose to have your child 5 years of age or less remain in the nursery during the service.
if I’m late?
You’re welcome whenever you arrive!
am I supposed to do during the offering?
We no longer pass an offering plate during the service. Instead, there is a box in the foyer where cash or checks can be left, along with our online giving options on the website. Your offering is a way of giving back what the Lord has given to you. The offering is used in many ways such as the operation of the church and supporting the various Ministries to our local community and missions abroad.
How often do you celebrate the Lord’s Supper?
We celebrate the Lord's Supper every Sunday worship service.
What is the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper?
At his last meal with his disciples, Jesus shared bread and wine with them and asked them to continue to do so in remembrance of him. The Lord’s Supper, therefore, is a sacrament — a visible representation of an invisible reality — which was instituted by our Lord himself for our blessing and benefit. It is the covenant renewal meal of the faithful, by which disciples of Jesus reaffirm their faith in him as Lord and Savior and acknowledge the sober reality at the heart of all we are and do as a community of faith — that Jesus gave his life for sinners like us. By eating the bread and drinking of the cup, followers of Jesus proclaim their personal faith in him anew, remembering his death, celebrating his life and reign, and acknowledging the new life and new community which Jesus’ sacrifice has purchased for us.
I receive Communion?
You do not need to be a member of Princeville Presbyterian Church to join us in the Lord's Supper. However, you must be properly baptized and not under church discipline. Children who have been baptized may also partake in the Lord's Supper.
if I should feel led during the service (or any time) to set my trust in Jesus
as Lord and Savior?
Contact a member of the Session and they will speak and pray with you any time.
We’re looking forward to seeing you this Sunday. Welcome!